Hi there, I’m Wendy!

Since 2005, I’ve helped entrepreneurs & business owners

Grow as leaders.

Reach 6, 7 and 8+ figure growth.

Create the business & life they really want.

without sacrificing their values or wellbeing.

Results I’ve delivered include:

Measurable Outcomes

• From $1.7M to $5.6M in sales in 90 Days (330% increase)

• New, high-ticket offers closed within 1 week of working together

• Successful negotiation of higher retainers + contracts

• Over $900M in transactions for founder in a competitive market

Qualitative Improvements

• Increased clarity, focus, and decision-making

• Improved individual performance, team dynamics, productivity

• Enhanced communication and improved leadership perception

• Brand growth through employee alignment + market leadership

and more


We were struggling to convert interested people into actual clients. Over time the failed attempts became disheartening.

The week after I met with Wendy, all of the people I met for meet and greets signed up!

Wendy gave us a framework for talking with people that has been instrumental to our growth.

Working with her has been invaluable to our business.

-Dr Mary Young, Sozo Lifestyle Medicine

Wendy is an amazing business strategist and coach. We brought her in to help us with what were (in our minds) rather mundane-seeming business growth ideas, and ended up with an incredible new perspective of how we could each better contribute to taking the company to the next level.

Her knack for business coaching is elevated greatly by her empathetic nature. Conversations were always reflective and insightful, leaving us with more drive than when we began.

I highly recommend hiring Wendy to help you figure out how your individual strengths should be best aligned to build a more effective business strategy.

-David Csonka, Monarch Digital

I found myself becoming increasingly unhappy and unfulfilled in my job. I took a few personality assessments, and solicited feedback from trusted people.

They were valuable, but not in the way I had hoped. Wendy’s BrandStrengths™ was extremely helpful in building my confidence, and “owning” my personal brand.

I discovered how to communicate my unique value, and was able to utilize this immediately to transition to a new position. I highly recommend working with Wendy!

-Blake Rayhons, Senior VP, Vensure

I’d built my business from the ground up, and knew what I needed to do to make a change, but wasn’t doing it. The only one stopping me was me!

With Wendy’s BrandStrengths™ I realized the blind spots keeping me stuck, and how to navigate them. Each session gave me clarity about my purpose, and the power of intentionally aligning who I am to what I’m doing.

Now I know how to be authentically me. I also gained clear direction for my brand, and am actively growing the vision I’ve had for some time!

BrandStrengths™ gave me courage to take action on my convictions, so I can make a bigger impact in the lives of others.

-Stephanie Meiser, Along Came Stephanie

So who am I?

Some of my clients have called me their Business Therapist. I see the big picture, the details, and the challenges getting in the way of growth.

Professionally, I help business owners:

  • Get clarity, make decisions, and take action that aligns with their values and objectives.

  • Communicate with confidence, in a way that grows trust and respect.

  • More deeply understand the strengths they bring to their business, so they can work in ways that work for them.

  • Equip team members to be self-leaders, with valuable contributions to make.

  • Create alignment between the company’s mission and vision, to marketing / sales and operations / service.

  • Deliver a premium offer and experience to buyers, in all stages of the customer journey.

  • Increase sales and improve profitability.

I started a remote brand + marketing agency in 2005. Over the years my work evolved towards coaching leadership, productivity, sales, and more.

In 2017 I shifted to help clients in these areas. This has allowed me to provide support in a simultaneously holistic and tactical way.

How I Work

  • Ask Me Anything

    Buy an hour of time time and get personalized advice.

    No contracts or lengthy commitments.

    If we decide to work together further, I offer 1:1 coaching / consulting to select clients.

    “This was like 6 months of coaching! Thank you so much.” - Arli Blake, Clairelle

  • Potential Client Form

    Interested in working together?

    I take a limited number of 1:1 clients. If you’re interested in learning more, fill out the form below.

    If I think we might be a good fit, we’ll talk over Google Meet and discuss partnering up!

  • BrandStrengths™

    The ultimate Self-Leadership, Workplace Leadership, & Brand Leadership solution.

    BrandStrengths is for individuals, companies, and brands ready to tap into their true potential, leverage their hidden strengths, and maximize their impact and income.

  • Speaking & Workshops

    Since 2017 I’ve been speaking professionally and educating through workshops on various topics related to:

    Entrepreneurship, Personal & Business Brand-Building, Sales & Persuasion, Talent-Based Leadership, and more.

Connect with Me

If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Abraham Maslow