Values-Driven Success & Fulfillment


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Wendy Van Ryn Wendy Van Ryn

Pivoting a 15-Year Luxury Business into a Greater Vision

I’ll share how I helped this successful yet burned-out luxury brand entrepreneur get unstuck, align with her true goals and vision, and take intentional action towards building the lifestyle wellness business she truly desired.

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Wendy Van Ryn Wendy Van Ryn

Small Business Recovery After Significant Loss

When tragedy strikes a small business, the decision to keep going or close the doors is top of mind. I’ll share how I helped this business to find new energy and vision after the sudden loss of the founder.

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“I found myself becoming increasingly unhappy and unfulfilled in my job. I took personality assessments and solicited feedback from trusted people. They were valuable, but not in the way I had hoped.

Wendy helped me build my confidence, “own” my personal brand, and communicate my unique value in a major career transition. I highly recommend working with Wendy!”

-Blake Rayhons, Senior VP, Vensure

“I built my business from the ground up, and knew what I needed to do to make a change, but wasn’t doing it. The only one stopping me was me!

Over time, this led to a lot of frustration and questions about who I am and what my true purpose is. After all, I help others solve their problems - so why couldn’t I figure this out?

Wendy helped me get clarity on my strengths and purpose. Now I know how to be authentically me and take action in a way that aligns with who I am. I also gained clear direction for my brand, and am actively growing the vision I’ve held for so long!

I finally have the courage to act on my convictions and make a bigger impact in the lives of others.

-Stephanie Meiser, Along Came Stephanie

“This past month I was featured twice - one of which was in an international publication. I was also offered an incredible opportunity to coach in South Korea.

I’ve hosted several workshops, been offered a position as a trainer, and am now working on my keynote speech while targeting government contracts.

You helped me believe in my greatness - thank you!”

-Tanishia Slater, Founder, Star Wellness Group

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